Tonsil Cancer Symptoms: What survivors Said?

Tonsil Cancer Symptoms:

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Tonsil Cancer Survivors said about their Cancer Symptoms:

"Small lump on left side of neck lymph node tumours no pain no other symptoms."

"I had noticed a lump on the right side of my neck but neglected to see my doctor. The only reason i did was to get a recently reclassified allergy prescription filled. She noticed the lump and the bells and whistles went off! That day i was at the hospital for tests."

"a lump on my right side of pain only mild pain in throat area from post outpatient surgery when they did exploratory biopsy surgery and took pieces of tissue out".

"Started with sore throat, then tonsillectomy, then came back that my husband had cancer".

"Early in 2009, I noticed an extremely dry irritation in my throat that was constant. In April-May I noticed I was having difficulty swallowing. Found out in May that my right tonsil was enlarged".

"I was extremely tired all the time, and the only symptom that brought the cancer to light was that it was growing outward. I thought it was a swollen tonsil."

"Felt like I was swallowing my uvula. CT Scan on September 1, 2009 showed tests "within an acceptable range". Biopsy performed on September 17, 2009 showed cancer."

"Sore throat that lasted for two weeks. Enlarged left tonsil. White patches in back of throat. Most recently discomfort in left eardrum".

"Just a lingering sore throat. Almost immediately after being diagnosed I grew a huge lump on the right side of me neck. I read the doctor's notes, "Mr Fink has a large nodule on the right side of his neck that can be seen from a distance."

What Symptoms They Said Mostly...

* Sore throat
* Deeper voice
* Swollen Lump
* Swollen tonsil
* Ear ache
* Difficult talk.

Experts said about symptoms like....
* Altered sense of taste.
* Bad breath.
* Difference in tonsil size.
* Difficulty eating, swallowing or talking.
* Dryness and redness of the throat.
* Earache.
* Lump that don't go away...
* Sore throat.
* Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
* Throat pain.
* Becoming Fatigue oftenly.
* Bleeding.
* Unexplained weight loss.

Some Serious symptoms that might life threat:
Respiratory problems like..
* shortness of breath
* difficulty breathing
* Labored breathing
* Wheezing
* Choking
* And also Vomiting blood

What causes tonsil cancer?
* There are several factors have been identified.
* Chewing betel quid
* Low Diets in vegetables
* Not having fruits
* HPV infection
* Finally Smoking

Mostly strongest Risk Factor Is...
* Tobacco uses
* Alcohol uses

Treatments for Tonsil cancer:
* Regular medical care...
* Chemotherapy.
* Radiation Therapy.
* Targeted Therapy
* Cancer Surgery...

Once you Identified any symptoms, better to checkup with doctor.

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