Tonsil Stone Removal:
For More Natural Tips I recommend you to buy "Banish Tonsil Stones" Guide. Go Here..
Before starting anything, gargle with mouthwash. This will make your throat easier to manipulate.
Because sometimes Tonsil stones can be hard to get out because of the sticky saliva.
Sticky saliva will forms after you start implements into the back of your throat.
So it is very important to clear out this sticky saliva before you start extracting tonsil stone
Because it will make extraction more difficult. You have to drink water to thin in out.
Tonsil Stone Removal Methods:
1) Gargle with salt water:
Gargling with warm, salty water may help to loosen the tonsil stones easily out of your tonsils.
Better to Gargle with mouthwash after eating. it will help to dislodge tiny bits of food before they become a meal for tonsil stone.
2) Remove with Q-tip (cotton swab):
Use new Q-Tips, wet the end of it with water, this will makes more comfortable while using it.
How to do with Q-tip?
You can do this front of a mirror.
Open your mouth and make sure you have some shine of the light into your mouth.
Do flex your throat muscles and tighten in the back of your throat.
Do this while holding your breath, this will forward your tonsils to make ease.
Apply pressure slightly and then push up so that the tonsil stones pop out.
A little bit of bleeding is normal
Try as much as you can to minimize the bleeding.
3) Remove with bobby-pin:
Use New or sterilized bobby-pin.
Use the looped end of your extra long bobby pin to scoop out any tonsil stones.
Keep trying until you catch the stone, and then scooting it to the front of your mouth.
Repeat steps for each of your craters until they are empty.
Take care not to damage any tissue in your mouth.
Caution: Do not shove the bobby-pin into the crater. It is sometimes difficult to feel when you have hit the bottom of the crater.
4) Remove with your finger:
Wash your hands with warm, soapy water and rinse them well, then open your mouth and find your tonsils with your finger.
Apply pressure as well as you do with Q-tip to tonsil stones pop out.
Rinse your mouth out with water.
Check for any hidden stones. After you have extracted all the stones.
Place your thumb slightly into beside your tonsils and gently try to squeeze for any remaining stones.
5) Remove with water pick:
You can also try using a oral irrigator such as a water pick, which is often used to clean gums.
Apply pressure slightly on your tonsils with water stream from the pick to dislodge the stones but not touching the stone.
Caution: At first only use on the lowest setting.
If it make painful on the tonsils, skip this method (or) find an irrigation system that doesn't cause pain.
Don't hurt yourself by poking too hard at your tonsils.
For More Natural Tips I recommend you to buy "Banish Tonsil Stones" Guide. Go Here..
Take Care....